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MBL Akustikgeräte uses certain cookies and similar technologies (collectively "cookies") to provide our services to you reliably and securely. These cookies are set by default when you visit our websites and do not require consent. With your consent, we and our partners use additional cookies to improve the performance of our websites, to provide you with a personalised browsing experience and to provide interesting content and advertising on the internet. To do this, we collect information about your devices, your usage patterns on our website and your interaction with our advertisements. By selecting "Accept", you consent to our use of additional cookies and agree that we may share the information collected with our partners, some of which may be located outside the EU, for example in the USA. The US is a country that does not provide an adequate level of protection for personal data - as defined by the EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR"). You can revoke or adjust your consent at any time by accessing the "Privacy settings" page.

April 8, 2024

The “Best of Show” award

“On the 15th floor, I got to hear one of my perennial favorites, the $91k MBL 101 MK II omnidirectional loudspeakers, driven by MBL 9011 mono amps and sourced by the MBL C41 streaming DAC driving the amps directly. Given the nightmare difficulties he faced, the fact that Jeremy Bryan managed to put on a show at all is a story in itself, but that he did so well at it is a wonderment. This was just the best system I’d heard at that point in tine—the first 3-D soundfield without the forwardness and upper midrange edge that was almost everywhere else. Airy, spacious, open, fast, beautiful, and eerily three-dimensional sounding, this was another contender.” - Jonathan Valin , Apr 18, 2024

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