October 12, 2022
Jürgen Reis – 40th Anniversary
Dear Jürgen Reis!
It was 40 years ago that you joined the small burgeoning Berlin-based audio company of MBL. Since 1982, you have worked at MBL endeavouring to conceive, develop, and perfect a multitude of innovative, at times even revolutionary, audio speakers and electronics. Four decades during which you enriched and shaped the world of music reproduction. And all the while, whenever you brought out a new product, it was only good enough for you if the listener literally became emotionally transported by the music. No measurement curve, no matter how perfect, could ever leave you satisfied if the music did not touch the listener’s soul.
This unconditional search for the true meaning of music reproduction has led to the world-renowned success that MBL loudspeakers and electronics have today. Your many accomplishments have also been an inspiration to all of us that work at the company. It is not surprising that in the audio industry your name has long been synonymous with competence, consistency, and a deep passion for music.
I share my sincere thanks and gratitude on your 40th anniversary at MBL on not only a job remarkably well done, but also for the tremendous teamwork you have shown all these years. Today, thousands of customers all over the world listen to their favorite music on an audio system created by you. For some, it allows for valuable time away from the hectic pace of everyday life. For others, it is even the center of their lives. But music is always an enrichment – and this is especially true when the world is going through challenging times.
We look forward to the many great achievements still to come in our future together.
Christian Hermeling
CEO MBL Akustikgeräte, Berlin